Monday, June 14, 2010

Spokane Gay Cruising Spot

Podcast - Podcast



EstimadĂ­simos followers and listeners of the web, I welcome you to Chapter 13 of the podcast of the posts "Long Live the Blog!". This time the guests are Paulo Saavedra and Juan Carlos Camus, two of the organizers of the meeting of bloggers Power Blog, which is done very successfully since 2007 in Chile. How to go from being an amateur to a professional blogger?, What factors influence the success of a blog?, What can we expect from "Power Blog" at this year's bicentenary?. All this and much more at just one click:

This chapter is also available in Podcaster. I hope your votes, comments, criticisms and suggestions to make this podcast better space. Internal messages .

You in Twitter and Facebook . If you like this podcast and blog, invite your friends!

Greetings to all and Long Live the Blog!

Francisca Cárcamo